2019 Legislative Session
2019 Public Policy & Legislative Priorities
- Promote and support tax policy that empowers community solutions through nonprofits.
- Advocate for a statutory exemption for nonprofits from collecting sales and use tax on admissions and any other related fundraising activities, including items sold or auctioned for fundraising purposes.
UPDATE: Legislation exempting nonprofits from collecting and remitting sales tax on admissions and most items sold for fundraising purposes become law effective March 26, 2019! Download the webinar recording with the details and check out our one page summary.
- Support existing, enhanced and new tax and other incentives (including a non-itemizer deduction) at the federal, state and local levels that encourage individuals to volunteer their time and contribute money to the missions of all charitable nonprofits and oppose floors, caps or limits on existing charitable giving incentives.
[Check out KNN’s one page summary on the importance of Kentucky’s charitable giving tax deduction.]
[Also, check out resources on the federal charitable giving tax deduction from the National Council of Nonprofits and these bills in U.S. Congress: H.R.3988 and H.R.5771.]
- Oppose the imposition of fees, payments in lieu of taxes (PILOTs) and other taxes and fees on tax-exempt nonprofit organizations.
[Check out resources from the National Council of Nonprofits.]
- Maintain and – where appropriate – expand nonprofit exemptions from paying state and local property, sales and use taxes and from collecting sales and use taxes.
[General tax policy resources: check out KNN’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act FAQ and great resources on the impact of the new law from the National Council of Nonprofits.]
- Promote and support executive action or legislation that furthers the sector’s efforts to streamline nonprofit contracts with government, as outlined in the final recommendation of the Government Contracting Task Force (issued November 15, 2016).
[Check out KNN’s legislative victory to establish the Task Force in 2015 and these resources from the National Council of Nonprofits.]
- Advocate for a fair, accurate and complete 2020 U.S. Census.
- Engage with other nonprofits, the state Complete Count Task Force and local Complete Count Committees to encourage education and awareness of the importance of the census.
[Check out our 2020 Census resources.]
- Promote, support and protect the advocacy rights of nonprofit organizations.
- Preserve the integrity of charitable nonprofits by supporting the tax-law ban on electioneering and partisan political activities.
[Check out KNN’s Op-Ed with the Kentucky Council of Churches, as well as additional resources from the National Council of Nonprofits. You can also view our FREE webinar recording.]
- Oppose restrictions on the advocacy rights of charitable nonprofits.
[Check out resources from the National Council of Nonprofits.]
*Also, don’t miss the one page summary of House Bill 443, webinar recording and press release – a bill to modernize the laws governing nonprofits that was unanimously passed in the 2018 session of the Kentucky General Assembly, was signed into law by Governor Bevin on April 26, 2018 and became effective July 14, 2018.