About Us
Empowering Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.
Kentucky Nonprofit Network (KNN) is your state association of charitable nonprofit organizations. Founded in 2002, KNN works to strengthen and advance our nonprofit sector because nonprofits are essential to vibrant communities.
KNN provides quality education, sharing of best practices and resources, time and money-saving member benefits, and a unified public policy voice.
Our Financials
As a recognized tax-exempt nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, Kentucky Nonprofit Network seeks to be transparent in its financial operations by making the following information publicly available.
Contact Us
Contact Us
Email is the best way to reach the KNN team so we can respond with links, attachments, and other information.
General inquiries should email us here so we can direct you to the appropriate resources or staff member.
To reach a specific member of our team directly, click here.
Kentucky Nonprofit Network
PO Box 24362
Lexington, KY 40524