3 Quick Things to Share

Published On: July 11, 2012

Each summer, I have grand notions of slowing the pace down a bit, but we are busy bees – as usual.  The nonprofit sector is buzzing also.   Here are just some of the headlines and potential lessons learned from the past few weeks:

  • The Supreme Court’s ruling to uphold the Affordable Care Act:  here’s a great article from Nonprofit Quarterly on what to expect now.  Think you know what’s in the Affordable Care Act?  Try this quiz.
  • Even with the best of planning and clear communication, working with the media can be tricky (just as I learned when a newspaper renamed me ‘Denise’ Clore):  this article from Nonprofit Quarterly, When a Reporter Calls, is worth a read.

Certainly, there’s lots more going on – but we know you are busy too, so I’ve tried to keep it short and sweet.  We do our best to pass along information and resources that are timely and relevant to you and your mission.  Let us hear from you if there’s something you’d like to know more about.

Have a great summer!

Danielle Clore

Executive Director

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Kentucky Nonprofit Network (KNN) is your state association of charitable nonprofit organizations. We work to strengthen and advance our nonprofit sector through a unified public policy voice, quality education and resources, and a strong network of nonprofit leaders and organizations serving Kentucky communities.

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