A sneak peek, just for you.

Published On: May 9, 2012

We’re wrapping up the final touches on this year’s More Than Charity report, our labor of love highlighting key stats for Kentucky’s nonprofit sector.  This will be the first snapshot of the sector since the IRS began revoking the status of organizations for failure to file a version of the Form 990.

Much attention is given to business and government in our state, often leaving our sector overlooked.  It can be challenging to pin down some of the data, but the nonprofit sector is large, diverse and an economic engine – making it critical for us to understand and educate ourselves, our constituents and our government and business partners.

We’re still finalizing the report, but I wanted to give you a sneak peek at some of the facts:

  • Kentucky’s nonprofit sector grew at a rate of 47% over the past ten years.
  • Expenditures by charitable nonprofits in Kentucky totaled $22.4 billion in 2010, representing an average increase nearly 15% per year over the past decade.
  • Kentucky’s charitable nonprofits received 12% of their revenue in 2010 from contributions, gifts and grants, compared to 22% nationally.
  • Income from program services and contacts in Kentucky accounted for 84% of revenue in 2010, compared to 73% nationally.
  • In 2009, the average charitable contribution of Kentuckians per return was $926 or 2% of adjusted gross income, consistent with the national rate.
  • Kentuckians volunteered 10 hours less than the national average in 2010.  The number of Kentuckians volunteering has decreased annually since peaking in 2005.

We’ll share the final report in the next week or so, but in the meantime – what do you think of these facts?  How can we use this data to better share the story of our sector and its value?  Let us hear from you.

Danielle Clore

Executive Director

About KNN

Kentucky Nonprofit Network (KNN) is your state association of charitable nonprofit organizations. We work to strengthen and advance our nonprofit sector through a unified public policy voice, quality education and resources, and a strong network of nonprofit leaders and organizations serving Kentucky communities.

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