KNN Blog
Statement on Lexington Urban County Council’s Vote and Urgent Need for Congress to Act Now on Relief for Nonprofits
Yesterday's unanimous vote by the Lexington Urban County Council to restore funding cuts proposed by the mayor for the city’s Extended Social Resource (ESR) grant program reflects an appreciation for the critical role nonprofit organizations play in serving each of us and our neighbors through [...]
Will Kentucky continue to thrive? It depends on the 2020 Census.
While April 1, 2020 seems a long way off, much is at stake to be sure the commonwealth receives its fair share of federal dollars for programs that use census-derived data. Kentucky is at high risk to undercount our population, which would mean a devastating [...]
Statement on Governor Bevin’s Budget Proposal
Kentucky Nonprofit Network Executive Director/CEO Danielle Clore issued the following statement in response to the release of Governor Bevin’s budget proposal: Nonprofit organizations are at risk, which means Kentuckians are at risk. In his budget proposal, Governor Matt Bevin recommends investments to combat Kentucky's opioid [...]
Statement on BR 76, A Tax Exemption Bill on Admission Ticket Purchases
Kentucky Nonprofit Network Executive Director/CEO Danielle Clore issued the following statement in response to the prefiled bill. The recent Kentucky Supreme Court ruling, combined with the 2018 tax reform legislation have created a truly unfortunate distraction for the thousands of nonprofit organizations working to enhance [...]
Politicians Should Look Elsewhere for Endorsements and Campaign Contributions
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. For more than 60 years, the Johnson Amendment has successfully protected the charities serving you, me and our communities as a safe space free to advance our missions without the rancor of partisan politics. The law, proposed by [...]
An Unexpected Opportunity to Renew My Awe and Passion for Your Work
15 years. February 13 marked the 15th anniversary of the day I went to work as a professional temporary at UK to create what was originally called the UK Center for Nonprofit Management, then I became permanent staff as the work evolved to become UK's [...]
Advocacy is no longer optional
To our members - advocacy is no longer optional... KNN has put out plenty of "calls to action" before. We've asked you to join us at Kentucky Nonprofit Day at the Capitol. We've asked you to email and call legislators and government officials to request [...]
Changes to KY’s Political Landscape
On November 8, Kentucky secured what's being referred to as a "trifecta" - a GOP controlled House, Senate and Governor's Office. Republicans picked up a net of 17 seats in the Kentucky House and for the first time in nearly a century, have a supermajority of 64-36 [...]
It’s Why We Exist…
Even though the Kentucky General Assembly isn't in session, I've learned that there is plenty of activity to keep Frankfort buzzing during the summer. Work around the Government Nonprofit Contracting Task Force has kept me at the Capitol more than usual this summer. The second [...]
Efforts to Improve Government Contracting Finally Underway
Great news! The Government Nonprofit Contracting Task Force, created with the unanimous passage of HCR 89 in 2015, FINALLY held it's first meeting today! Please check out the press release to learn more. This Task Force is important not only for organizations contracting with state [...]
Congrats to KY Gives Day Prize Winners!
I'm hitting the road today to take a much-needed vacation. I hope you are planning to take some time off this summer too. We all need an opportunity to recharge our batteries and I cannot wait to recharge mine with my family on the sandy [...]
Time to get our give on!
It's fitting that prom and graduation season tie in so nicely with KY Gives Day. Over 200 nonprofits from across Kentucky are participating on May 24 and they are getting all gussied up - just like we'd do for prom. We are eager to look [...]
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