Bonding Time

Published On: January 23, 2015

For a decade, we’ve been convening Kentucky’s nonprofit sector in Frankfort for KY Nonprofit Day at the Capitol. This year, we’ll gather on Thursday, February 12.

If you plan to join us this year or even if you are still undecided, I urge you to check out the resources on our public policy blog site – This site includes great resources for visits with legislators, but honestly – the information about the economic importance of our sector in the More Than Charity resources are facts we should be sharing with our community and business leaders and for some of us, we may need to start at home with our staff and board members.

I also want to be sure you don’t miss another excellent resource: Stand for Your Mission. Please read and share with your board members. Many of our board members think nonprofits have no business engaging in public policy or that doing so is against the law. Let’s bust the myth and even take it a step further – let’s engage our board members in this important work!

You guessed it – I’m asking you to attend KY Nonprofit Day at the Capitol AND I’m asking you to invite a board member to join you. A road trip together will be great bonding and we need their engagement in creating a unified voice for our sector. We’ll see you there!

Danielle Clore

Executive Director

About KNN

Kentucky Nonprofit Network (KNN) is your state association of charitable nonprofit organizations. We work to strengthen and advance our nonprofit sector through a unified public policy voice, quality education and resources, and a strong network of nonprofit leaders and organizations serving Kentucky communities.

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