Comment On Our Hot Topic!

Published On: December 6, 2011

One of our goals at KNN is to connect you with resources. Another goal is to connect you with other nonprofit leaders.  When we can do both AND at the same time, I get really excited!

Today, KNN unveils the Best Practices Hub – a virtual place for chatting, learning, sharing and exploring best practices for effective nonprofit management.  To get started, the Hub will explore one best practice from the Principles & Practices for Nonprofit Excellence in Kentucky guide each month in this e-newsletter.  We encourage you to comment, discuss, share thoughts on why the best practice is a best practice (or maybe why it shouldn’t be).  We’d also like to hear ideas on how you’ve implemented specific practices so that others might not have to recreate the wheel.  We hope you will also pose questions and share your challenges so that other nonprofits from across Kentucky might assist you.  Other features are being developed and if you have ideas as we move along, please let us hear from you – we want the Hub to be a user-friendly and helpful resource that meets your needs!

The first Hub Hot Topic is about lobbying and advocacy.  Check it out and let us hear from you!





Danielle Clore

Executive Director

About KNN

Kentucky Nonprofit Network (KNN) is your state association of charitable nonprofit organizations. We work to strengthen and advance our nonprofit sector through a unified public policy voice, quality education and resources, and a strong network of nonprofit leaders and organizations serving Kentucky communities.

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