Eyes Wide Open

Published On: April 24, 2012

Work at KNN is rarely boring and these past two weeks have been no exception.  We’ve returned from our road trips energized by the connections made with our members, eyes wide open about some of the challenges we face and focused on the work ahead.

On Thursday, April 19 – just before all heck broke loose – the Kentucky Senate passed SR 345 and Governor Beshear signed a proclamation recognizing the third week of April as Kentucky Nonprofit Week.  Earlier that week, I met with staff from the Governor’s Office and the Office of the Attorney General.  All of these meetings at our State Capitol provided important educational opportunities for everyone involved and served as an important wake-up call that there is a great deal of misconception and misunderstanding about the value and work of our sector.  There is much work ahead to better tell our stories, better explain our value, better help policy makers understand how critical our work is to this Commonwealth.  We need you.  If you aren’t a member already, please join KNN to help us build a strong, collective voice for our sector.

Also on the road for our Nonprofits Going Green events in Louisville, Hopkinsville, Morehead and Lexington (check out pictures), KNN relaunched our Principles & Practices for Nonprofit Excellence in Kentucky tools with an added section on environmental stewardship, including a Nonprofits Going Green Checklist.  And while we knew Kentucky’s nonprofit leaders were a talented group of men and women, to connect in person with these leaders provided more eye-opening experiences. The commitment to learning more about going green and the enthusiasm for collective sustainability was awesome.

As we continue our 10th anniversary celebration, the KNN team is grateful to serve as your state association of nonprofits.  Our eyes are wide open to the talent, enthusiasm, commitment and innovation possessed by you, the professionals of our sector, who will provide the leadership needed to move Kentucky forward.

Thank you for the work you do and this opportunity for partnership.  Have ideas for us?  Please let us hear from you.

Danielle Clore

Executive Director

About KNN

Kentucky Nonprofit Network (KNN) is your state association of charitable nonprofit organizations. We work to strengthen and advance our nonprofit sector through a unified public policy voice, quality education and resources, and a strong network of nonprofit leaders and organizations serving Kentucky communities.

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