Inspire Action

Published On: February 27, 2014

On a recent webinar for KY Gives Day participants, Lori L. Jacobwith, master storyteller, trainer and fundraising coach, talked about the amplification effect and the power of personal messages from influencers we value.  It’s human nature to get caught up in stories bigger than ourselves, to join together for a common goal and a common good.   When that happens, we click “forward” or “share” – we’re moved by the content and want to be part of the effort, and it means more to others coming from a friend.  As nonprofits, we likely think we’re sharing our story in a compelling way and effectively conveying the importance of our mission.  But it’s one thing to tell a story that inspires and it’s another to tell a story that motivates your supporters to act on your behalf.

Kentucky Gives Day is one great way to amplify your message.  When thousands of donors flock to on April 9, they’ll be looking to make donations to those organizations with stories that inspire action.  We hope that your charity is one of hundreds participating in the 24-hour online giving event; it’s a great way to mobilize your army of supporters to spread the word about your mission and find new friends of your cause.  But to receive gifts, your organization MUST be proactive and sign up now or your charity won’t be listed on

If you haven’t already, now is the time for nonprofits to join together for a common goal and a common good – to raise as much money for our missions as possible in just 24 hours!

Whitney Wilgus

Communications Coordinator

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Kentucky Nonprofit Network (KNN) is your state association of charitable nonprofit organizations. We work to strengthen and advance our nonprofit sector through a unified public policy voice, quality education and resources, and a strong network of nonprofit leaders and organizations serving Kentucky communities.

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