It’s Big News for Sure!

Published On: January 30, 2013

It’s been hard to keep quiet!  After months of preparation and research, we can finally share big news with you – the first-ever Kentucky Gives Day will be held in the Commonwealth on April 24!  This 24-hour, statewide, online giving event will allow Kentuckians and nonprofits to come together for a powerful day of action.   Every Kentuckian can go online, connect with causes they care about and make tax-deductible gifts by simply clicking to donate.  Nonprofits can connect with new and existing donors online to efficiently raise funds for their mission.  The event will showcase the amazing work of our nonprofit community and raise as much money as possible in 24 hours.  Best of all, any 501c3 public charity incorporated in Kentucky can participate – for free!

I’m sure you have tons of questions – how will this work?  How and when will donations be distributed to the organizations?  Where can my organization sign up?  We’ve scheduled a few informational webinars to explain how Kentucky Gives Day will operate and how it can help your organization boost (or even launch) online fundraising and help acquire new donors.  Check one out ASAP so you can get started:

February 7, 10:30 am (members only)

February 7, 2:00pm

February 14, 10:30am

In the meantime, please help us spread the word and mark your calendars for 4/24/13 – we can’t wait to see just much money we can all raise to support our missions!
Danielle Clore
Executive Director

About KNN

Kentucky Nonprofit Network (KNN) is your state association of charitable nonprofit organizations. We work to strengthen and advance our nonprofit sector through a unified public policy voice, quality education and resources, and a strong network of nonprofit leaders and organizations serving Kentucky communities.

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