Kentucky Nonprofit Week
It’s time to celebrate! Next week marks Kentucky Nonprofit Week – the official annual recognition of the value of our sector. In addition to our obvious contributions to the quality of life in Kentucky communities, nonprofits are also an economic engine – contributing nearly $17.4 billion to the commonwealth’s economy and employing one in ten Kentuckians. This celebration is a wonderful opportunity to communicate with our government and business partners, donors, volunteers and others that nonprofits are more than charity.
Our unique and diverse sector is changing lives, making our communities better places to live and work and battling what ails our neighbors on the front lines. The challenges are great, but there is much to celebrate!
Check out our Kentucky Nonprofit Week resources and please take a moment next week to communicate the value of your organization and our sector with your community. Use this special week to tell your story! Let us hear from you, how do you plan to celebrate?
Danielle Clore Director