Nonprofits Should Be Represented in Jobs Bill
President Obama plans to address the nation on Thursday regarding job creation and our troubled economy. Many leaders in our sector are concerned that nonprofit employers may not be a part of any proposals being developed by the White House or Congress to address the economic issues facing our nation.
Given that nonprofits employ over 13 million people – one of every 10 American workers – and that the sector employs more than the finance, insurance and real estate sectors combined, it makes sense to me that any provisions to encourage job creation should also be available to nonprofit employers. Independent Sector has prepared a twitter petition asking the President to include nonprofits in his job proposals.
Families, communities and governments are turning to nonprofits for help. As most charitable giving is down, states owe big bucks on unemployment insurance loans, budget cuts are inevitable and postage rates and property tax exemptions are threatened, nonprofits must make their voices heard. There is much at stake with federal, state and local government – decisions that will have a lasting impact on those we serve and the sector’s ability to meet community needs.
Danielle Clore