Principles & Practices How-To
I recently traveled the state to facilitate town hall meetings to share information and get feedback about our new Principles & Practices for Nonprofit Excellence in Kentucky program. From small organizations without any paid employees to those with hundreds of staff and those who are brand-new to those with over forty years of history, what was reiterated to me time and time again was that the Principles & Practices program is helpful for any organization. When an organization is in the beginning stages, the program’s resources help you focus in on your priorities, specifically the legal requirements. At the same time, the program’s resources are also invaluable for more established organizations to utilize for improvement in all areas and ultimately to better serve their constituents.
If you didn’t have a chance to join us at a town hall meeting, a recording of the presentation I shared is now available to view at your convenience. The webinar provides you with an overview of the program and some tips for how to utilize the program’s resources. Take a look! You can also download the Principles & Practices Guide and Implementation Workbook for free at any time on our website. The tools are designed to be flexible enough to benefit all nonprofits.
In addition to enjoying the beauty of our Commonwealth on the road, these town hall meetings were an exciting experience because they reminded me that Kentucky’s nonprofits play such a critical role in building strong communities. Congratulations to the organizations who are striving each day to push themselves to become even better at what they do! From God’s Pantry in Lexington to the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green to Friend for Life Cancer Support Network in Louisville to Christian Social Services in Morehead along with many, many more, thank you for the work you do and for embracing resources that will build a stronger nonprofit sector.
Shelley Sellwood-Davis Communications Coordinator