The Marathon Continues

Published On: March 19, 2015

We’re almost at the finish line of our sprint – also known as the 2015 Kentucky General Assembly.  In case you missed it, KNN led the way on two pieces of critical legislation to advance our sector.  I am thrilled that both unanimously passed the House & Senate and now await the Governor’s signature.  A very sincere thanks to each of you who called, emailed, visited and/or tweeted your legislators to partner with us to make these victories for our sector possible.

While the sprint is almost finished, the marathon continues. For those of you who know me well, the fact that I’m using a running metaphor here is pretty funny– since I would only run if something or someone is chasing me! But seriously, KNN is excited to now look ahead to sharing more about each of these legislative efforts. We’re working on strategies for visiting with you across the state to be sure you are in the loop on these updates to Kentucky law that will impact each of us, as well as the opportunities created by the increased visibility of our sector during the session.

In the meantime, other priorities keep moving right along.  If you haven’t checked out our event calendar, there are lots of topics coming up that will strengthen your board, your fundraising plans and for those contracting with federal, state and/or local government – critical information you need to know, now!

This fall, the marathon continues with other events to strengthen and empower Kentucky’s nonprofits, including our annual Executive Retreat and KY Nonprofit Leadership Forum (mark your calendar for  October 27-28!).  In addition, we’ll round out 2015 with the third annual KY Gives Day on December 1. Stay tuned for information on this in the coming months.

It’s safe to say we aren’t taking off our running shoes any time soon.  We know you’re likely running a race of your own, so as we all try to keep up the pace, please know that we appreciate you, we’re here because of you and we’re fighting for you. We look forward to seeing you soon at an upcoming KNN event – in person or online!

Danielle Clore
Executive Director, KNN

About KNN

Kentucky Nonprofit Network (KNN) is your state association of charitable nonprofit organizations. We work to strengthen and advance our nonprofit sector through a unified public policy voice, quality education and resources, and a strong network of nonprofit leaders and organizations serving Kentucky communities.

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