You Need Us | We Need You

Published On: January 8, 2015

I’ve got big plans for 2015! How about you?

Whether you are someone who makes resolutions or not, I hope you will make a commitment in 2015 to engage more with your state association! Why? Because you need us and we need you.

Nonprofit organizations and leaders like you need KNN for support, inspiration and access to sector news, professional development opportunities and best practices to effectively achieve your mission. Nonprofits also need access to KNN’s benefits that will save you time and money. Whether its free job postings in our Career Center, big savings with our unemployment insurance program with First Nonprofit Companies, budget relief with discounts on background checks with Coeus Global, or our newest program – a state association health plan – KNN is committed to bringing your organization the tools you need to focus on your mission.

Your state association needs you because a unified voice for our sector is critical. We can only strengthen our communities and our Commonwealth with a strong, effective nonprofit sector.  Nonprofits are Kentucky’s THIRD largest industry and there’s strength in numbers!   If you aren’t yet a member, KNN and our hundreds of members across the Commonwealth need you to stand with us and become a member today.  And if you are already a member, a great way to kick off your engagement with us in 2015 is to attend the 10th Annual KY Nonprofit Day at the Capitol on February 12.

Before the holidays, I had lunch with one of our KNN members and I asked her – why is your organization a member? She said there were lots of reasons, but that short of a natural disaster or personal crisis – she would not miss the opportunity for her and her staff to learn and network at KNN’s annual KY Nonprofit Leadership Forum. She added that she also felt good knowing that KNN was looking out for her organization’s best interests in Frankfort and in Washington – one less thing on her already busy plate. She then shared how much money she saved with some of our benefits each year – savings that far outweighed her membership dues. Obviously after those comments, I had to buy her lunch!

But seriously, if you don’t already love KNN – I hope you will give us a chance to show you why you need us and we need you. I can’t promise to buy you lunch, but I will tell you that our small but mighty team is eager to do what we can to help your organization best serve your community. We look forward to seeing more of you in the year ahead. Here’s to a fantastic 2015!

Danielle Clore

Executive Director
P.S. We’re doing a big membership push to kick off 2015 and we hope you’ll take time to share with other nonprofit colleagues why they should join you as a KNN member. If they join by January 31, 2015 and mention your organization as the referral source, you’ll be eligible to win a free two-day registration to the 2015 Kentucky Nonprofit Leadership Forum, valued at over $250! And if you get creative with your membership pitch via social media or email, send us a draft. The most creative pitch will receive 50% off one registration for the two-day Forum.

About KNN

Kentucky Nonprofit Network (KNN) is your state association of charitable nonprofit organizations. We work to strengthen and advance our nonprofit sector through a unified public policy voice, quality education and resources, and a strong network of nonprofit leaders and organizations serving Kentucky communities.

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