Lunch Hour Webinars for Your Board

Published On: August 9, 2011

KNN offers several formats of training and education designed to strengthen the board of directors.  From our recorded SkillBuilder webinars to in-person workshops on governance topics to customized consulting services, KNN is committed to meeting the busy schedules of these critical volunteers. 

Later this month, we will launch our Board Matters Webinar Series.  Covering more in-depth topics than our popular Nonprofit Boards 101 workshop, these webinars are one hour in length and offer board members the opportunity to receive critical education from the comfort of their desk during the lunch hour.  

Two recent articles from the Nonprofit Quarterly were good examples of how critical purposeful recruitment and education are to develop an engaged and effective board of directors. The first article addresses board composition – an issue many struggle with based on their own bylaws or can occur as a result of what I call “warm body recruiting.”  The second article on the recently released “Daring to Lead 2011” study indicates that only 20% of nonprofit executives surveyed report high satisfaction with their board’s performance. Effective boards don’t just happen – investing in board education benefits the entire organization!

Please take advantage of these upcoming webinars and the many other board governance resources KNN offers. Register yourself and/or your board members today!

Danielle Clore

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Kentucky Nonprofit Network (KNN) is your state association of charitable nonprofit organizations. We work to strengthen and advance our nonprofit sector through a unified public policy voice, quality education and resources, and a strong network of nonprofit leaders and organizations serving Kentucky communities.

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